Use Trinket Slot Macro

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  1. This rotates 5 trinkets (in slots 1-4 of bag 4 and equipment slot 14) through slot 14, and 5 trinkets (in slots 5-8 of bag 4 and equipment slot 13) Through slot 13. The /stopmacro line is there to keep from getting the in combat errors. I just click the macro after every fight and the next two trinkets are equipped.
  2. Select slots for the set, choose a name and icon and click Save; Once a set is saved, there are several ways to equip it: 1. Left-click the minimap button and choose the set 2. Mouseover a set button you've created (Alt+click yourself in character sheet) 3. Use a key binding you define in the set ('Bind Key' button) 4. In macros with /itemrack.
  3. Jun 26, 2019 Whatever one wow encounters first in the macro will be cast and the other one will be ignored. There is a special case for some off gcd items (like trinkets), where they will be off the main gcd but still share a gcd with other similar items and for this reason you can only have 1 on use trinket in a macro. If you have 2, the second one is ignored.

Macro for Wow: Use trinket before Rip for Feral Druid for Druids. Works in World of Warcraft patch 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar, Mists of Pandaria. Posted on: - Updated on: - viewed 13774 times.


Name: Holy Light

#showtooltip<br />/use Core of Ripeness<br />/cast Avenging Wrath<br />/cast Holy Light

Once again, the macro is named the move that I want to mainly use, and I wont forget when I give it a quick look during combat.

Use Trinket Slot Macro Tutorial

I'm using '#showtooltip' to show me what I'm using. At first, when my trinket isn't used, it will show me the tooltip for the trinket 'Core of Ripeness', since it can be used. If you want, you can choose which tooltip you want the macro to show. For this example, I want it to always show 'Holy Light', instead of showing 'Avenging Wrath' at all, so, I change the first line from '#showtooltip' to '#show Holy Light'. It would look like this:

Use trinket slot macro bot

#show Holy Light<br />/use Core of Ripeness<br />/cast Avenging Wrath<br />/cast Holy Light

Use Trinket Slot Macro

The second line uses my trinket 'Core of Ripeness'. Now, 'use' has different functions in World of Warcraft.

1. It can use the 'use' function of an item and 2. it can equip an item. This may be good if your trinket is always in that slot. But if you're always switching out trinkets and using them for different fights, then this macro isn't as effective. To make maximum use of this macro you will have to make sure that your 'use' trinket is in the same item slot. This is because all items on your character has a slot number. For example, your Weapons, offhand and mainhand, have the slot numbers of 17 and 16, and your relic, wand, or ranged weapon slot number is 18. For this example, I put my use trinkets in the bottom slot, which is slot number 14. To make this macro work for all the 'use' trinkets I have for the different fights and situations I would write:

Use Trinket Slot Macro Clicker

#show Holy Light<br />/use 14<br />/cast Avenging Wrath<br />/cast Holy Light

Use Trinket Slot Macro Quest

For even more effectiveness, just in case you don't remember which slot your 'use' trinket is in:

#show Holy Light<br />/use 13<br />/use 14<br />/cast Avenging Wrath<br />/cast Holy Light
This will use both slots, but only your usable trinket is usable, so, the macro will use it. If you have two 'use' trinkets, the macro will use whatever is in slot 13 (the top trinket), the other trinket will have a 20 second cool down. If you're spamming this macro then there will be no problem in getting full use of both of the 'use' trinkets.

Use Trinket Slot Macro Classic

Tip: This is a great way to spam 'use' trinkets to get the maximum effectiveness, especially for healers. For caster damage dealers, this may not be a good macro because you may want to use your trinkets at the most opportune time. We'll go over DPS macros soon!