Trex313 Poker Stars

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To try something a little different, and hopefully provide value to all you aspiring high stakes gamblers I decided to take a look at the high stakes poker results of the biggest games around to see if there were any trends we could learn something from.

Trex313 Poker StarsPoker

First I took the results published by – which provides the top 50 and bottom 50 winners and losers for each month. The results are from 1/1/07 thru 7/31/08, including Omaha and Holdem on Ladbrokes/Prima/Fulltilt networks. High stakes horse is also included in the 7/08 monthly results.

I compiled all these monthly reports into a single spreadsheet workbook in Excel, and then combined the months to provide a data set of 19 months of the high stakes poker world. My initial theory was that the biggest high stakes players have the biggest swings but I wanted to visually see the difference between, if they are constantly playing the biggest games, or game selecting and ‘taking shots’…

This folded the action around to trex313 who called and after Antonius folded, Dwan pushed all in. Hansen then reraised again, pushing it up to over $190k, which trex313 would just call. The flop came 6s Th 6d and Hansen pushed the rest of his chips in. Trex313 would call and show 8d 5d Tc 7c for a pair of tens and a straight wrap.

Dunno about brother Hac Dang though. What the hell is a trex313? Phil Ivey - 'Phil Ivey' If you had the most intimidating name in poker, you’d use it as your screen name too. Honorable mention: BeepBeepImaJeep – Max Villemure. Not the most well known player in the world but the name makes us laugh every time we read it. Watch this interesting hand at the $200-$400 PL Omaha table, as ICallSoWhat flops top set vs. Trex313's wrap straight draw vs. Ziigmund's top 2 pair.

Trex313 Poker Stars

Trex313 Poker Stars Bowling

Posts about trex313 written by propclothing. To try something a little different, and hopefully provide value to all you aspiring high stakes gamblers I decided to take a look at the high stakes poker results of the biggest games around to see if there were any trends we could learn something from. Re: Di, Hac and Au Dang (Urindanger/trex313) talk poker, the restaurant business, and life From what I've read about them, it's always blown my mind how they were able to crush nosebleeds for a long time and then just snap quit poker cold turkey, even though they could likely make very good money still.